What is a Neighbourhood Forum, Neighbourhood Plan, Neighbourhood Area?
Neighbourhood Plans were introduced by the Localism Act 2011, to enable communities to have a say in the development of their areas. When made, a Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of Westminster’s Local Plan. It sits alongside National Planning policies and Westminster’s other policies. The policies contained within this Neighbourhood Plan are designed to be specific to our Area (as defined by Westminster City Council: Churchill Gardens is a separate Area with it’s own Forum and Plan – see map) and will be used by Westminster City Council when it determines planning applications.
The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum was established in September 2016 and a steering group elected to take forward the development of a Neighbourhood Plan. The Forum is a member organisation open to any residents or representative of businesses in the area and any Councillors for our area. We currently have some 300 members.
Before the Plan is ‘made’ it is subject to a referendum of residents in our Area as to whether it should be adopted or not and it needs to be passed by a majority of those voting.
What is the Purpose of the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum?
The Purposes of the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum are:
a) The promotion and improvement of the social, economic and environmental well being of Pimlico, its residents and businesses.
b) To encourage development to be in keeping with the distinctive and historic character of Pimlico.
c) To promote high standards or town planning and architecture in Pimlico.
d) To ensure the administration of local services and amenities are properly and efficiently delivered and are to the advantage and legitimate needs of local residents and businesses.
e) To enhance the existing conservation areas within the area and extend the same where appropriate.
f) To prepare a Neighbourhood Plan in conformity with Westminster City Council’s strategic planning policies so far as they are relevant to Pimlico in furtherance of the purposes set out in sub paragraphs a-e above.
Who can join the Forum?
The forum is open to any residents or representative of businesses in the area and any Councillors for our area, but only residents are entitled to vote in the referendum. Join here!
Who is on the Steering Group?
The Steering Group comprises the Chairman and six residents of our area. They are appointed by members at their AGM. At the moment the steering group comprises:
- Peter Ruback (Chairman)
- James Ingham (Vice Chair)
- Andrew McCarthy (Secretary)
- Simon Clark (Treasurer)
- Sarah Moncrieff
- Harry Dodd-Noble
- David McDowell
Sadly, two of the original members of the Steering Group, Mair Garside and Edward Reeve, died in 2018, before we could produce the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. But their contribution has been crucial to our thinking and we want to record here our thanks and appreciation.
Where can I find the Constitution of the Forum?
The Constitution of the Forum can be found here.