Draft Plan and consultation 2019
1. Our draft Neighbourhood Plan (browse or download the PDF here) contains policies and detailed justifications to deliver the Forum’s Vision for Pimlico. We are publishing this now to get the views of local residents and businesses as to whether the broad shape of our plans for Pimlico are right and whether the detailed policies are right. This is a Pre-Submission Consultation in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act (2011) and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended).
2. We do not have an entirely free hand in specifying how our area should evolve: our policies have to be consistent with National planning policies and with Westminster’s Strategic Policies in the City Plan. And we have to have ‘positively phrased’ policies. But we believe our policies will be able to best deliver the Vision and we are now seeking views on them.
3. We are putting forward our ideas about how the central area around Wilton Road and Warwick Way should evolve to make it a more attractive place and to make it more vibrant. We are seeking to protect the retail premises from alternative or unsuitable uses and improve the public realm in this area to make it more pleasant for pedestrians and shop and restaurant users.
4. Outside the central area it is almost entirely residential in nature and we want to see high levels of protection of heritage in this area and outside the conservation areas avoid overly tall buildings which would alter the feel of our village. We recognise that development both in and also adjacent to our area has been of great concern.
5. We want to protect the green spaces and open spaces, especially near the riverside. While we do not propose any new major developments we are putting forward some general rules that will need to be followed in our area if larger developments are proposed.
6. Our consultation ends on the 10 October 2019 and after this we will take the responses into account and revise the Plan to submit it to Westminster City Council. There is a further round of consultation and then consideration by an independent examiner. If she considers that the Plan has been consulted on properly and addresses the issues raised, she will recommend that it goes to a referendum at which all residents in our area are entitled to vote. The result of that referendum is binding and if passed the Council adopts the Plan. We hope to be at the referendum stage in Summer 2020.
7. This Plan has been some time in preparation and we have kept members of the Forum, and the many residents associations, in touch with our evolving ideas. We now welcome your views, in particular about the main themes of our policies.
Our plan has the following structure:
• Introduction
• Developing a vibrant commercial sector supporting our area
• Design and Heritage
• Housing and Hotels
• Open spaces, pedestrian and transport facilities, protecting the environment
• Larger Sites including the Queen Mother Sports Centre Block
It would be very helpful to us if you could put responses under these headings. We would also be happy to come and talk to residents and other groups. Responses should be emailed to: email@pimlicoforum.org by 10 October 2019, 5:00pm.