Residents want to be able to enjoy thriving shops, cafes and restaurants and live happily alongside these.
People wanted a better range of shops so more of their needs can be met in the ‘village’ without having to leave the area but avoiding it becoming a major ‘destination’ in its own right, attracting too much traffic, parking and other impacts that are unsuitable for a primarily residential area.
The Plan aims to support commercial activities, while protecting residential amenity and avoiding any harm to heritage. Policies include limiting the locations of new businesses to existing town centres, putting strong limits on locations for new hot-food takeways, and ensuring that changes to buildings to support businesses put residential amenity, design and heritage first.
This is the fourth of 5 brief posts about the content of Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan that people living in the Neighbourhood Area (only) will be voting on on 22 September 2022. Find out more:
- the whole plan (80 pages);
- a one-page factsheet.