27 July 2017 | Update

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum is developing a Neighbourhood Plan in order to influence planning decisions in the local area. After the Plan is adopted by Westminster Council it will  shape decisions in the area.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

The Plan is a planning document that will influence what planning applications for new buildings can be passed, aspects of their design, what conditions for example on affordable housing will be applied, where residential or commercial development can take place and it will also affect how certain taxes (the “Community Infrastructure Levy”) are spent in the area.

The Plan has to be in general conformity with National planning policies and with Westminster’s Strategic planning policy, but there is considerable scope within this and can add detail to gaps in existing policies.

Developing the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan

A steering group was elected last Summer and a meeting of the Forum was held on 21st March 2017 (Read a report of the meeting here).


The last meeting of the forum agreed a vision for the plan:

  • Continue to maintain the quiet village atmosphere and its largely residential nature.
  • Improve the quality of life of current and future residents by bringing about a more vibrant retail and commercial sector and enhancing leisure and cultural facilities.
  • Development that respects and enhances the form and setting of the conservation areas.
  • Protecting the squares and green spaces and where possible add more of them.
  • Improve the local environmental quality by continuing to limit and if possible reduce the harmful effects of traffic.


Since we last reported at the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum meeting in St Saviour’s Hall on 21 March, we’ve been making progress in developing our Neighbourhood Plan:

  • We’ve met Victoria and Belgravia forums and local housing associations.
  • We’ve also met residents’ representatives of some of the local estates.
  • We’ve also set up several workstreams to develop the plan, led by local residents and members of the forum.


We envisage the plan covering the workstream areas of:

  • Housing.
  • Design and Heritage.
  • Economic/Non residential development.
  • Environment, leisure, open spaces and Transport.
  • Maintaining our infrastructure.

We’re planning to brings this work together in an exhibition and more detailed consultation event on 8th November (afternoon and early evening) in Dryburgh Hall, Northern end of Alderney Street on the Abbots Manor Estate, so please save the date!

Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum was proposed by Pimlico FREDA (Federation of Residents Associations of Pimlico) and designated by Westminster City Councilwith the main aim of developing a Neighbourhood Plan.

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum Area

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum area is the area of Pimlico bounded by Vauxhall Bridge Road, Gillingham Street, the Railway and the River, excluding the Churchill Gardens Estate which has its own forum.