6 March 2024 | Pimlico Strategic Group and Pimlico Community Conversations
A “Pimlico Strategic Group” has been set up by Westminster City Council. This is about the services that the Council and its partners deliver and how they can join up and do things better.
Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum has been invited to join the Group with several other local organisations. It isn’t entirely clear what the focus of the group will be, but the initial process is as follows
The Council has set up a website and is holding some meetings to find out about what matters to people in Pimlico (Pimlico South and Pimlico North wards):
- Queen Mother Sports Centre on 7th March, 6–8pm. You can register for this HERE.
- Bessborough Centre on the 12th March, 12:30am to 1:30pm. Register HERE.
As you can see, the deadline for this part of the exercise is very short – up to 15th March.
Please give any feedback directly on their website https://
The Forum will put forward views and information based on the work done for the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan, but we also encourage members to respond to the Council’s initiative.