The Localism Act 2011 gives local communities the right to shape development in their areas through the production of a Neighbourhood Plan, led by a Neighbourhood Forum. Join the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum and make your community a better place to live and work in.

The Localism Act 2011 gives local communities the right to shape development in their areas through the production of a Neighbourhood Plan, led by a Neighbourhood Forum.
Our Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the Local Plan and its policies will be used in future planning applications. Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders will allow Pimlico to grant planning permission either in full or in outline for the types of development they want to see in their areas.
The policies cannot block development that is already part of the Local Plan but it can shape where that development will go and what it will look like.
“The Federation of Pimlico Residents Associations (Pimlico FREDA) has been facilitating an application from 30 residents/business people to the Westminster City Council to be recognised as a Neighbourhood Forum as provided for under the Localism Act 2011.
The Council has now granted such status so Pimlico NF is now officially in being.
These Fora are open to all residents and people in business in the designated area we are now seeking applications from anyone who qualifies, either by being a resident of the designated area or working in that area, to join the Pimlico NF.
A map of the designated area is shown below with some further information on NFs and an application form should you wish to join and become a member. We are especially seeking members who are prepared to be active in running the PNF.”
Edward Reeve, Chairman, FREDA.
Apply for Membership
Joining the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum is your chance to decide how Pimlico develops over the coming years – come in and make a difference!
If you’d like to get more involved with shaping the Forum and its Neighbourhood Plan, please get in touch. The first public meeting will be held at St. Saviour’s Hall on Monday 26th September 2016 at 7 pm.
Papers, Notes and Websites
- Policy Paper: 2010 to 2015 government policy: Localism
- Make a Neighbourhood Plan
- Visit the My Community Rights website for much more information.
- FREDA briefing note on the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum.