People like the gardens, parks and green spaces. They want them protected and ideally would like more.
Aside from their amenity and use by residents, the open and green spaces are important as they help contribute to an ‘open feel’ – they open up or contribute to views. We knew this in 2016, when we started our work, and the last two years have really proved it!
We need to protect these spaces and even smaller bits of public realm as well as creating more spaces for any larger development that might be proposed. We also need to improve public realm used by pedestrians accessing the shops, pubs and restaurants. Finally we must keep Pimlico Gardens as a crucial green space that enables locals to access and enjoy the riverside.
This is the second of 5 brief posts about the content of Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan that people living in the Neighbourhood Area (only) will be voting on on 22 September 2022. Find out more:
- the whole plan (80 pages);
- a one-page factsheet.