Pimlico has a large proportion of historic architecture that is consistently lower in height than that of neighbouring areas.
The plan ensures that proposals must preserve: protected townscape and views, the setting of any listed building or unlisted building of merit, and the setting and key features of our conservation areas (Pimlico, Peabody Avenue, Dolphin Square and Lillington and Longmoore).
The Plan makes clear that the Pimlico Neighbourhood Area is generally not suitable for buildings out of scale with those in their close vicinity and has specific policies for our area which are stronger than Westminster’s City Plan.
This is the third of 5 brief posts about the content of Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan that people living in the Neighbourhood Area (only) will be voting on on 22 September 2022. Find out more:
- the whole plan (80 pages);
- a one-page factsheet.