19 December 2022 | Warwick Way / Churton Street town centre highways scheme consultation

Council proposals for public realm in the centre of Pimlico

You may remember that in Summer 2021, the Council held an informal poll on whether to continue the hospitality scheme which created more space for pavement seating for the cafes, pubs and restaurants as well as reducing through traffic in the “high street” of Pimlico. The result was overwhelmingly in favour and so the hospitality scheme was continued. 

The Council has now come up with proposals for a permanent scheme which increases pavement space, keeping Warwick Way one-way westwards for motor vehicles between Belgrave and Vauxhall Bridge Roads, with no entry for them to Warwick Way at the junction with Belgrave Road. This will remove the current access for cars to Guildhouse Street from the junction with Warwick Way. 

The scheme also includes plans to make Churton Street one-way northwards and to expand the public realm there. 

The consultation can be accessed on www.westminster.gov.uk/warwick-way-public-realm-consultation which gives visuals for the public realm works as well as detailed plans for the road and pavement spaces, parking etc. 

There is no doubt that this is a significant proposal for Pimlico which aims to improve the physical environment of the main shopping and dining streets serving Pimlico as well as a much wider area. 

We would encourage everyone to respond to the consultation survey as it is important for the Council to understand the level of support and the reasons for it as well as any detailed concerns that some people may have about specific aspects of the scheme, such as the design itself, details of planting proposals etc. 

The consultation closes on 9 February 2023. 

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum and the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan emphasise the need to do something material to improve the quality of the public realm in this part of Warwick Way (as well as Wilton Road) which has had no significant investment in the last 30 years, during which time the population of our area has increased significantly. But it is important that the details should be got right, and the decision based on the evidence. 

15 December 2022 | Westminster City Council adopts final version of the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan

Approved by local referendum on 22 September 2002, the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by Westminster City Council on 7 December and published in its final form (click on the picture to read / download).

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the statutory Development Plan and will be used alongside Westminster City Plan 2019-2040 and the London Plan 2021 when determining planning applications within the Pimlico Neighbourhood Area. The Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan includes policies on a range of matters including commercial and mixed-use development, design and heritage, housing and hotels, public realm and environment.

This marks the end of a 6 year long process and we would like to thank the many residents and other experts who helped us along the way. We’d also like to remember the contributions of Mair Garside and Edward Reeve, both very long standing Pimlico residents, who died in 2018 and were energetically involved in the steering group from the start of its work.

23 September 2022 | Pimlico votes “YES” for Neighbourhood Plan

Referendum ResultIn yesterday’s referendum on the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan, 1617 voters voted “YES”  and 123 voted “NO”

There have so far been 6 residential referendums on Neighbourhood Plans in Westminster. This is the highest vote for “YES” and the highest number of votes in total, with a high turnout.

The next step is for Westminster City Council to formally “make” (that means adopt) the Plan and to apply it to planning applications in our area.

We’d like to thank everyone who voted yesterday (either way) and everyone who contributed to the debate by posting on social media or to residents groups.

22 September 2022 | Vote today!

Don’t forget to vote ‘YES’ in the referendum today

Voting is between 7am and 10pm. There are three Polling Stations – click on the map to see where you should cast your vote.

Vote YES if you want to:

  • preserve Pimlico’s character and village feeling;
  • restrict new development above the characteristic height of buildings nearby;
  • protect and improve our public realm and our open and green spaces;
  • ensure new housing meets the needs of families in Pimlico and
  • support and enhance our retail areas.

15 September 2022 | Vote YES to keep more of our CIL money

Areas with a Neighbourhood Plan in place keep 25% of their Community Infrastructure Levy.

The Council collects money for infrastructure from new developments through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This is a planning charge based on the floorspace of new developments.

Areas without a Neighbourhood Plan only keep 15% of the money and it is subject to an annual cap. In places with a Neighbourhood Plan, this increases to 25% and is uncapped.

It can be used on a wide range of local projects, for example:

  • Road and footpath improvements
  • Tree planting
  • New or improved play spaces and facilities
  • Community safety measures (eg CCTV, lighting)
  • New or improved cycling facilities
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Improvements to school grounds and buildings
  • Improvement of local facilities such as libraries, community centres or sports halls

This is the last of 5 brief posts about the content of Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan that people living in the Neighbourhood Area (only) will be voting on on 22 September 2022. Find out more: